All About Togetherness
Written for Planet Experts (This is a guest blog by our Viking Gyre crew member Tiffany Paige who runs the blog Green With Tiffany. For those of you following this blog closely, this was written on day three when we still had sun and warmth.) We are out to...
I Am TreePeople: Neenah and Tiffany Paige
Written for TreePeople.org In 1981, TreePeople set a lofty goal to plant 1 million trees in Los Angeles by the start of the 1984 Olympics. This would be a towering feat for any organization, but TreePeople gathered all of its muscle to get it done. Many trees were...
Creating Food Security through Urban Gardening
Written for LA Yoga Nicole Landers at Community Healing Gardens Women Changing the Landscape of Our Cities “Every patch of soil is an opportunity to grow food,” says Community Healing Gardens Co-Founder Nicole Landers. In the greater Los Angeles area, where the...
Easy Ways to Naturally Support Your Immune System
Written for Coco Eco Your immune system is a sophisticated computer, elegantly communicating and coordinating many functions throughout your body. It protects you from illness, infection and disease, and some 70% to 80% of your body’s immune system cells are located...
The Lexus UX 250 hybrid has someone special behind the wheel
Written for Coco Eco Did you know that Lexus was the world’s first luxury automotive maker to bring a hybrid vehicle to the US market back in 2006? The definition of a hybrid is anything of a mixed origin, so the Lexus hybrid is powered by a combination of a...
It’s Time to Start Using Organic Tampons
You eat organic, so why wouldn’t you use feminine care that's also organic and plastic-free? This week is Environmenstrual Action Week! What is this you ask? It’s about menstruation and the environment — a combination you don’t always think about. It really is...
How Can You Save Water?
Today's tip is saving water from your shower while the water heats up. I use buckets by a company called Ripple, but you can really use any bucket or watering can. Just keep it handy in your bathroom so it's accessible and you can see it to remember to use it, even...
Healthy Pet Food from I and Love and You at the Green Festival
"I and love and you" is a healthy pet food with a whole line of food from freeze-dried to grain-free kibble and all gmo free, to a holistic line of remedies — all made in the USA. A lot of mainstram pet foods have fillers, grains and by-products. Dogs are'nt designed...
Mayor Eric Garcetti Talks Solar and Beach Cleanups at Heal The Bay Gala
Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany hosts Heal The Bay TV for the Heal The Bay "Bring Back The Beach" Annual Gala. The Ultimate Beach Party! The year’s honorees included Mike Sullivan, Heal the Bay board member and president of LAcarGuy, the world’s largest hybrid...
What is a “Green” Funeral? Green Festival
Tiffany Paige talks to Darren Crouch of A Greener Funeral at the Green Festival in Los Angeles, California. Darren has family in the funeral business and decided to start a "greener" funeral with his brother-in-law to create greener alternatives for tradional...
TV Icon Norman and Lyn Lear, EMA Awards
Norman Lear is a writer and producer known for some of my most favorite TV shows...All In The Family, The Jeffersons, One Day At A Time and Maude to name a few. A true icon in the television world and if that wasn't enough, did you know that he and his wife Lyn...
Ed Begley Jr. at the EMA Awards
Actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. rides his bike to the "green" carpet of the EMA Awards (Environmental Media Awards). The EMA Awards are produced b the Environmental Media Association. They are a non-profit that believes that through television, film and...
Raphael Sbarge, EMA Awards, Green Wish
Actor Raphael Sbarge and son Djengo join the "green" carpet at the EMA Awards (Environmental Media Awards). Raphael is on the Parent Board of the Environmental Media Association. They are a non-profit that believes that through television, film and music, the...
Francesca Eastwood, EMA Awards
Francesca Eastwood is on the Young Hollywood Board of the Environmental Media Association. A nonprofit that believes that through television, film and music, the entertainment community has the power to influence the environmental awareness of millions of people....
How to shop for Non GMO Foods with the Non GMO Project Verified Label
So excited to speak to this incredible organization the Non GMO Project. It was started in 2007 by Megan Westgate who is the Executive Director. This organization verifies products that "do not" contain GMO ingredients. Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany speaks to...