"I and love and you" is a healthy pet food with a whole line of food from freeze-dried to grain-free kibble and all gmo free, to a holistic line of remedies — all made in the USA. A lot of mainstram pet foods have fillers, grains and by-products. Dogs are'nt designed...

Mayor Eric Garcetti Talks Solar and Beach Cleanups at Heal The Bay Gala
Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany hosts Heal The Bay TV for the Heal The Bay "Bring Back The Beach" Annual Gala. The Ultimate Beach Party! The year’s honorees included Mike Sullivan, Heal the Bay board member and president of LAcarGuy, the world’s largest hybrid...
What is a “Green” Funeral? Green Festival
Tiffany Paige talks to Darren Crouch of A Greener Funeral at the Green Festival in Los Angeles, California. Darren has family in the funeral business and decided to start a "greener" funeral with his brother-in-law to create greener alternatives for tradional...
TV Icon Norman and Lyn Lear, EMA Awards
Norman Lear is a writer and producer known for some of my most favorite TV shows...All In The Family, The Jeffersons, One Day At A Time and Maude to name a few. A true icon in the television world and if that wasn't enough, did you know that he and his wife Lyn...
Ed Begley Jr. at the EMA Awards
Actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. rides his bike to the "green" carpet of the EMA Awards (Environmental Media Awards). The EMA Awards are produced b the Environmental Media Association. They are a non-profit that believes that through television, film and...
Raphael Sbarge, EMA Awards, Green Wish
Actor Raphael Sbarge and son Djengo join the "green" carpet at the EMA Awards (Environmental Media Awards). Raphael is on the Parent Board of the Environmental Media Association. They are a non-profit that believes that through television, film and music, the...
Francesca Eastwood, EMA Awards
Francesca Eastwood is on the Young Hollywood Board of the Environmental Media Association. A nonprofit that believes that through television, film and music, the entertainment community has the power to influence the environmental awareness of millions of people....
Green With Tiffany at the Green Festival on September 27
The Green Festival is this weekend here in Downtown Los Angeles, California. September 25-27, 2015. This is the largest and longest running sustainability and green living event in the US. There are so many cool products and services and food to help you live a...
Green With Tiffany Hosting #WomenGameChangers on Periscope (GreenWithTiffany) and Twitter (@greenwtiffany)
#WomenGameChangers is a Women Led Purpose-Driven Enterprises Community Event To Empower Women Towards Leadership By Sharing Their Success Stories On Thursday, September 24th, Green With Tiffany's Tiffany Paige will be hosting on Periscope at the...
Dr Bronner’s, Green Festival
Green With Tiffany was so excited to talk to Dr. Bronner's and the incredible Frankie Higgins, the National Events and Demo Manager. Frankie has such enthusiasm for the line, which really says something about the company as well. Dr. Bronner's is based in San Diego...
What is the Mercedes Benz F-Cell? Alt Car Expo
Mercedes Benz has a test pilot program for their F-Cell, hydrogen powered EV with zero emissions. Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany caught up with Tyler Brown of Mercedes Benz. There are 70 vehicles on the road as part of the program on a 2 or 3 year lease. The...
Hydrogen Powered F-Cell Mercedes Benz, AltCar Expo
Mercedes Benz has a test pilot program for their F-Cell, hydrogen powered EV with zero emissions. Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany caught up with Loki Efaw at the AltCar Expo in Santa Monica. Loki is one of the lucky few on a test pilot program and loving it....
Organic Skincare with Dr. Hauschka at the Natural Products Expo
Dr. Hauschka is one of my favorite skincare lines!! I talked to Nicole Ktenas, she's the Regional Sales Manager of Dr. Hauschka. We met at the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, California. Dr. Hauschka products are holistic as well as homeopathic and work with the...
Arnold Schwarzenegger on Climate Change – EMA Awards
Climate Change IS Happening! SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR MORE "GREEN" & Sustainable Living. Just click here: http://bit.ly/1h210hc Green With Tiffany's Tiffany Paige gets an exclusive interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Environmental Media Awards hosted by...
Baby Harp Seals at the Green Festival
Do you love the baby harp seal as much as me? Ian Robichud founder of HarpSeals.org does. Even more so because he is dedicating his time and life to help stop this barbaric, unnecessary cruelty of the clubbing and killing of these beautiful vulnerable babies. I'm...