Written for Take Back Your Health - Your Guide To Healing"When people look to become healthy, they think of diet and exercise. But, what if food wasn’t the only thing you could change? Think of all the plastic we use on a daily basis, such as the containers that carry...

It’s Time to Start Using Organic Tampons
You eat organic, so why wouldn’t you use feminine care that's also organic and plastic-free? This week is Environmenstrual Action Week! What is this you ask? It’s about menstruation and the environment — a combination you don’t always think about. It really is...
How to shop for Non GMO Foods with the Non GMO Project Verified Label
So excited to speak to this incredible organization the Non GMO Project. It was started in 2007 by Megan Westgate who is the Executive Director. This organization verifies products that "do not" contain GMO ingredients. Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany speaks to...
Green With Tiffany at the Green Festival on September 27
The Green Festival is this weekend here in Downtown Los Angeles, California. September 25-27, 2015. This is the largest and longest running sustainability and green living event in the US. There are so many cool products and services and food to help you live a...
Remove toxins from your body with Alimtox at the Green Festival
Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse Foot Bath. So many of us are filled with toxins. Get a full body detoxification with Alimtox. Green With Tiffany's Tiffany Paige goes through the step by step process of the detox with Wayne Pitter of Alimtox. * Liver detoxification* Purge...
Emmy’s Organics Raw Vegan Gluten Free
Green With Tiffany talks to Samantha Abrams, founder of Emmy's Organics with her husband Ian at the Natural Products Expo West. Emmy's has a B Corp certification which is a standard for social resonsibiluty in business. The macaroons are delicious!! Emmy's uses a lot...
Gluten-Free Healthy Pasta with Explore Asian – Green Festival 2014
Explore Asian is a certified gluten-free, organic, vegan, high in iron and protein, and low in carbs and sodium, pasta. All the buzzwords that you look for in food, Explore Asian has. It's even Kosher. I discovered them at the Green Festival in New York where they...
Ban The Bead
I first learned about microbeads almost 2 years ago. I knew that plastic, no matter how big, breaks down into smaller bits called microplastics. That’s bad enough, but how about plastic bits that are already smaller than any other microplastic (microbeads are...
Gut Issues? Need A Good Probiotic? Bio K Plus – Green Festival 2014
A good probiotic is the foundation of good health. At the Green Festival in Los Angeles, California, Green With Tiffany's Tiffany Paige talks with Regional VP of Bio K, Steve Taneman about Bio K. They talk about what it does, why it's different and essential for a...
Eco Hip Hop with DJ Cavem & Alkemia Earth – Green Festival 2014
What is Eco Hip Hop? "Higher Inner Peace Helping Other Poeple" Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany had the the proud pleasure of meeting this incredible couple doing great work together and as a family at the Green Festival in Los Angeles...
Dumpster Diving with Rob Greenfield
Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany had the unusual experience and privilege of meeting the incredible Rob Greenfield. He took me in a Cars 2 Go to go dumpster diving at a local grocery store. This was my first dumpster dive, and it is to raise awareness about just...
Mamma Chia at Natural Products Expo West
Green With Tiffany's Tiffany Paige interviews the lovely Janie Hoffman at Natural Products Expo West. She is the founder & CEO of Mamma Chia. Mamma Chia is a beverage and snack containing one of the world's healthiest whole foods, organic chia seeds. It was...
A Vegan Option Beyond Meat at the Green Festival
Tiffany Paige of https://www.greenwithtiffany.com talks to Caitlin Grady of Beyond Meat at the Green Festival http://www.greenfestivals.org. Beyond Meat is not meat, but a plant protein made with a blend of soy and pea proteins and it mimics the taste and feel of...
Healthy Organic Turmeric Drink at the Green Festival
Tiffany Paige talks to Laura Dayton about Organic Turmeric Drink. A tasty drink with the healing properties of the turmeric root. Curcummin found in tumeric is a natural spice that's been around for thousands of years. It has a wealth of health benefits including...
Happy Family Organic Superfoods at the Green Festival
Today at the Green Festival Tiffany Paige talks to Barb representing http://happyfamilybrands.com/. Happy Family is an all-organic baby food that has expanded to toddler food, and kid food. It's great nutrition for the whole family that you can find at Target,...